We focus our efforts on developing and sustaining communities and nations by implementing projects and providing services that directly impact lives

GPS is a world leader in projects servicing. The corporation is proactive in projects research, development, implementation, finance and management. GPS is dedicated to effective delivery in agriculture, energy, housing, urban and rural infrastructural development, higher education project development, healthcare and medicine, road and transportation, waste management and environmental solutions. This site is designed for the international operations division of GPS.

Our Services

GPSHousing unit designs, develops, builds and implements housing and building projects from start to finish. We build impact resistant structures much faster at lower cost with our unique system.
GPSAgriculture Malls focus on sustainable agriculture. The Malls comprise innovative farm tractors, house-hold and commercial aquaculture, environmentally controlled sustainable integrated agriculture (ESCIA). The Malls also provide studies on farmland utilization, training and technical support.
GPSEnergy unit provides energy infrastructures for governments and large corporations, including power plants and green energy sources: gas, solar, wind, thermal and hybrid energy, both off and on grid.
GPSMedical unit offers a wide range of services in the medical and healthcare fields. We provide hospital management services and solutions to healthcare and medical challenges being encountered by many hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centers and other health institutions.
GPSTelecom unit is a solution provider in telephony systems, cabling, network development, wireless operation, access control, surveillance, billing system, surcharges assessment, system management center and satellite system.
GPS Global University provides project management services for new and existing educational institutions and a wide array of training and educational programs and support services to enhance performances and bring people to par with best practices and the latest human resources development and innovation in the private and public sectors.
GPSRoadNet unit is a leader in road projects using green technologies for road network development at reduced cost, highest quality and project sustainability.
GPSWaste & Chemicals unit designs and implements effective waste management strategies that create cleaner, less wasteful and contribute to ecologically sustainable development and improvement in the quality of life. Our oil remediation solutions are non-toxic and environmentally friendly. We supply variety of industrial chemicals.

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